She is well versed in these ways
–the night sky– and quiet now.
No more tremoring constellations
bursting in golden apparitions
falling to the earth as blessings,
she is moving in silent landscapes.
An omnipotent Goddess,
casting her stars against the
hopeless yearning of the darkness.
There they glisten with indifference.
We are no strangers to abandonment, we children of Lilith.
Born of the first night,
lying on the beach where we first rose from the water
[lithe and wet] dragging ourselves over and under
each other, rhythmic as the waves kissing the shore
and moving insatiably toward our own birth.
You came to me softly with the sorrow in your words,
then you came to me wildly seeking to tear me apart.
Now you’ve ceased to come at all
and my tears hang –crystalline– from distant clouds,
like forgotten stars.
I am no more ‘of this earth’
–my thoughts echo across a distant dreamscape–
I am lost to that other world now.
The child he comes to me
hungering to return to the womb
but I have no comfort left to give.
And so, silent as the night,
he reaches into my heart
and plucks out each tear
and they fall to the Earth;
each a tiny blessing soaking the dry ground.
And I can hear the gentle humming of the stars
as it replaces each surrendered drop
with a song of undying hope.
Should I surrender also.
Take peace in their solace
–negate this yearning–
or return to the darkness…
I see your eyes – there – in the night sky.
Two darkened discs, descending
as the first rays of a new dawn break.
They pierce my soul– fragile as it is–
and it yields to their inanimate gaze.
We are bound by no mortal coil
–we who are begotten of the stars–
born of the first night,
imprisoned in this pale sheath of skin,
yet, we cannot be cast as the die
nor tethered –heart and soul– as it were
to this or any other life.
We were forged in the darkness,
from the matter of ancient aeons
but we must walk in the daylight
and it ails you to do so.
For you, are the god of another place
– you –
who can breath beneath dark waters
and in your eyes, those are not demons,
they are the fragments of incandescent stars.